First “Ag-Gag” Prosecution: Utah Woman Filmed a Slaughterhouse from the Public Street

Amy Meyer wanted to see the slaughterhouse for herself. She had heard that anyone passing by could view the animals, so she drove to Dale Smith Meatpacking, and looked through the barbed-wire fence.

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Democracy Now! Debate: After Activists Expose Animal Cruelty, Should They Be Targeted With “Ag-Gag” Laws?

Democracy Now with Amy Goodman devoted its entire program to “ag-gag” bills that criminalize undercover investigators and whistleblowers, including a debate between Will Potter and an industry representative.

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“Ag Gag” Bills and Supporters Have Close Ties to ALEC

“Ag Gag” bills, and their supporters, have ties to the American Legislative Exchange Council, and they parallel other national efforts by ALEC.

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Occupy Movement Challenges ALEC’s Corporate Influence on Legislation

The Occupy Movement protests a secretive lobby group called the American Legislative Exchange Council, or ALEC, that helps corporate interests literally write our laws.

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ALEC Documents Reveal How Corporations Secretly Create New Laws

Documents released today shed new light on how corporations are directly drafting legislation through the American Legislative Exchange Council, or ALEC. The Center for Media and Democracy has publicized more than 800 of ALEC’s “model bills” that have been created by corporations, and introduced across the country, all without other lawmakers and the public having […]

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“Don’t ask, ‘How can I not be labeled a terrorist?’ Ask, ‘How can I be a threat?’”

Video of Will Potter’s plenary session lecture at the 2010 national animal rights conference in Washington, DC. It focuses on the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act, secretive political prisons called Communications Management Units, and how we must respond.

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Washington “Eco-terrorist” Bill Includes Civil Disobedience and First Amendment Activity

Fifty years ago this month, four black students sat at a Woolworth’s whites-only lunch counter and refused to move. The following day 25 students did the same. A few days later, more than 300 showed up. The sit-ins quickly spread across the South and were a critical component of the civil rights movement. Decades later, […]

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State-Level “Eco-Terror” Legislation Pushed by Corporate Front Groups

The National Lawyers Guild has a new report on state-level versions of the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act that have been popping up around the country. As I’ve reported here previously, on laws such as the California Animal Enterprise Protection Act, they use sweeping, overly broad definitions of terrorism that are, in some cases, even worse […]

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