Terrorism Definitions

Oregon’s U.S. Attorney Talks Circles Around “Eco-Terrorism”

Willamette Week has an interview with Karin Immergut, Oregon’s U.S. attorney, with some decent questions about “domestic terrorism” and the round-ups in the Northwest. There’s not much substance in the answers, surprise surprise, but take a look at some of the rhetoric:

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Children’s Movie Called “Soft Core Eco-terrorism for Kids”

As if they hadn’t sunk low enough already, key players in the Green Scare are now going after a children’s movie. The teenage characters in Hoot, which opens this Friday, fight to end a development project that threatens a population of endangered owls.

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Who Are the Real “Eco-Terrorists”?

Today’s news search pulled up a great spin on the “eco-terror” buzz. The Philippine Daily Inquirer published a glowing piece about a former armed forces chief of staff turned secretary of the environment, Angelo Reyes. He created the country’s Environmental Protection Commission to go after eco-terrorists like “poachers, illegal loggers and other violators of the […]

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