FBI on “Micro-Terrorism”

by Will Potter on April 20, 2006

in Government Priorities,Terrorism Scare Mongering

Labeling vandalism and theft as “terrorism” is quite a stretch, even for this administration. So the FBI PR shop has come up with a new spin: “micro-terrorism.”

FBI Agent Joseph Metzinger spoke at an “agro-terrorism” briefing at the local chamber of commerce in Lancaster, Penn.

He reviewed “micro-terrorism” techniques, such as stealing mail, going through trash, following spouse and children, having packages delivered to residences of employees as well as vandalism and harassing phone calls and even visits to one’s neighbors.

Rummaging through trash! Visits to one’s neighbors! Holy crap, raise the threat level to red, Mr. President!

It’s a good sign that the FBI may be retreating from the push to call nuissances like this full-blown terrorism. But they’re not “micro-terrorism,” either. They’re not violent. And some aren’t even crimes, period.

The big danger here is the relentless push to redefine terrorism according to the beliefs of the individual, rather than the crime. That can only lead to politically-motivated prosecution. Graffiti doesn’t become terrorism just because the kid with the spray can is vegetarian. And rummaging through garbage doesn’t become terrorism just because it’s the trash of a CEO.

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