The FBI’s latest case? A butcher shop’s broken window

by Will Potter on August 11, 2014

in Government Priorities,Terrorism Court Cases

fbi-broken-windows-veganarchist-berkeleyThe FBI has a hot new case. Someone broke two windows at a grocery store.

Yep, you read that correctly.

Windows are broken all the time, and most businesses would be lucky to have local cops respond, let alone the FBI. So how does such an insignificant crime get on the national radar?

As one NBC reporter noted, “This is no ordinary vandalism case.”

That’s because the FBI says the window was broken by animal rights activists.

The website Bite Back published an anonymous message that said the windows were broken at “Star Meats in Berkeley CA, a butcher shop that boasts about its organic and locally sourced meat. Cage free, organic, murder is murder and death is death.” The message was signed by “veganarchist lone wolf.”

For year, the FBI has been prosecuting animal rights and environmental activists as “terrorists,” even going so far as to call them the “number one domestic terrorism threat.”

Yet for all the broken windows—or the recent terrorism prosecution of two activists accused of saving mink from fur farms—no one has been injured.

Meanwhile, a new report says that the sovereign citizen movement is the most pressing threat for law enforcement.

“Such changing perceptions about what is a serious terrorist threat is an important finding,” the report says, “because identifying and prioritizing a threat is akin to hitting a moving target and evolves as new intelligence, data, and events develop.”

One thing is clear: the FBI is never going to hit this evolving, moving target if it’s wasting terrorism resources investigating a broken window.

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