Transcript of Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act Congressional Hearing Now Online

by Will Potter on September 30, 2006

in Terrorism Legislation

A transcript of the House Judiciary Committee hearing on the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act, where I testified, is now online.

Much of this 107-page document isn’t transcribed questions and answers, however: it’s a laundry list of letters of support for the bill submitted by industry groups. It looks like a who’s who among the New McCarthyists.

Here’s a point to ponder, though. In this 107-page “official document,” the ONLY dissent represented, that I have been able to find, is my testimony. It makes me wonder:

  1. Why weren’t ANY environmental or animal groups solicited, like members of Congress solicited industry groups, for their views?
  2. Why didn’t any environmental or animal groups try to submit letters of opposition? A Congressional hearing isn’t like a Sweet 16 party: you don’t need a glittery invite to submit letters of opposition to the committee.

I know this is a massive document that most people don’t have time to read, but it’s really worth skimming, at least, to see for yourself how eager industry groups are to silence dissent.

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