Grand Jury 101 From the Rockford Files

by Will Potter on March 24, 2009

in Terrorism Court Cases

A Utah animal rights activist, Jordan Halliday, has been jailed for refusing to testify before a grand jury about his political beliefs and political associations. But you know what, he’s in good company. Check out this clip of Jim Rockford in the Rockford Files as he is hauled before a grand jury and jailed for refusing to testify.

“I have not only been cited with contempt, I have been treated with contempt. And with a total disregard for my rights, guaranteed me under the Constitution. I have been guilty of nothing, except… with the ignorance that in a proeeding of law you could slander, and threaten and try to intimidate me with impunity…

“There is no such thing as a small injustice, there is no such thing as a minor abridgment of rights. That if even one citizen is so deprived, make no mistake, we all suffer.”

-Jim Rockford

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