“Green is the New Red” Event in Eugene This Friday

by Will Potter on May 30, 2007

in News

I leave for Oregon tomorrow for the remaining court dates for the Operation Backfire defendants, who are facing “terrorism enhancements” on top of their sentences. While I’m there I’ll be speaking about the “eco-terrorism” of the Green Scare with folks from the Civil Liberties Defense Center. Hope to see you there. Will

Green is the New Red
The Government’s Attack on the Environmental Movement and Your Civil Rights

On the 10th Anniversary of the 1997 Broadway-Charnelton
Pepper-Spraying Incident

Speakers: Will Potter, Lauren Regan and Jim Flynn

Featuring: Video footage of June 1 EPD Brutality and Citizen Resistance

Will Potter is an award-winning reporter based in Washington, D.C.,
who focuses on how the War on Terrorism affects civil liberties.

Lauren Regan is the executive director of the Civil Liberties
Defense Center and an outspoken civil rights attorney.

Jim Flynn is one the people who were pepper sprayed and arrested on
June 1, 1997, for attempting to stop the removal of 40 heritage
trees downtown.

The Wandering Goat Coffee Co. is at 268 Madison. The event will start at 7 pm.

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