“Eco-terrorism,” Cialis and I-phones?

by Will Potter on April 13, 2007

in Activism & Activists' Response

Did spammers buy/hack earthliberationfront.com, the domain constantly listed as the portal website for a “shadowy eco-terrorist group”? Or are “shadowy eco-terrorists” hawking Viagra?

This is from the post I saw at Quixoticals.com:

Hidden within the relevant news, I couldn’t help but wonder why environmentalists were so concerned with Cialis. Was this a problem with lack of protein? Well, then I discovered links to Pink Floyd posters, the iPhone lawsuit, and used panties. Then it hit me: whoever designed this website made pretty damn sure to beat Wikipedia in the Google search rankings.

Pretty funny, I thought… until I saw that the author of that blog links to GreenIsTheNewRed.com as the “ELF’s own website.” HUH? I guess this is the lesson within a lesson about not trusting everything (err, anything) you read on the Internet.

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