I’m Speaking About the “Eco-terrorism” Crackdown at the National Animal Rights Conference

by Will Potter on July 12, 2006

in News

Animal Rights 2006 National Conference

I’ll be speaking at the national animal rights conference this August, on the SHAC trial and how the broader Green Scare has impacted animal rights activists.

Here’s the rundown:

8/11/2006, 11:00 a.m.
Workshop: “Coping with Repression” (permits, eavesdropping, arrests, jail, grand juries, law suits)

8/11/2006, 8:30 p.m.
Plenary session: I’ll be speaking about my coverage of the SHAC trial, and what the case means for all social justice movements.

8/13/2006, 9:00 a.m.
Workshop: “Engaging the Media.” I’ll be talking to activists about how to get their stories told by folks like me.

These conferences draw quite a crowd from around the country, and I’m really looking forward to meeting GNR subscribers and folks I’ve emailed with, but never met face to face.

Wait, how could I not notice before that “Green is the New Red” could be abbreviated GNR? Not to be confused with that other GNR, Guns N’ Roses. To add to the confusion, Axl and I both have red hair. I hope I don’t get sued.

-Will “Appetite for Destruction” Potter

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