Join John Robbins, Russell Simmons, Vandana Shiva, Cory Booker & Will Potter for the (Free) Food Revolution Summit

by Will Potter on April 25, 2013

in News

russell-simmons-food-revolutionJohn Robbins and his son, Ocean Robbins, are hosting a “Food Revolution Summit” during which they’ll broadcast interviews with an impressive roster of thinkers and activists, including Russell Simmons, Vandana Shiva, Mark Bittman, Cory Booker, and many more.

I was honored to be included in this lineup, and to speak with John Robbins about “ag-gag” laws that attempt to silence whistleblowers, and keep consumers uninformed about what really happens on factory farms. 


I went vegetarian when I was 18 after reading Diet for A New America by John Robbins. That book, and Robbins’ work, set my life in another direction. I’ve heard similar sentiments from countless people over the years. If you care about the environment, animal welfare, consumers’ rights, or your health, I hope you’ll check this summit out. You’ll be glad you did.

John Robbins’ Food Revolution Summit starts Saturday. Register for free today! 

(My interview will air at 9am PST on Tuesday, April 30th.)



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