Love the Property Destruction Hypocrisy

by Will Potter on October 16, 2007

in Terrorism Court Cases,Terrorism Legislation,Terrorism Scare Mongering

Whenever a bulldozer is vandalized, an SUV is spraypainted or a children’s movie encourages compassion for endangered animals, business interests are quick to shout “TERRORIST! TERRORIST!” But property destruction out of self-interest, or purely reckless behavior, is apparently not much of a concern.

Check out this recent spat in Nashville, Tenn.

Rep. Rob Briley was drunk, hit a car, fled the scene, fled from a law enforcement officer in a high-speed chase, and eventually kicked out the back window of a police cruiser. Some lawmakers want him to resign. One of his biggest defenders is Rep. Frank Nicely, who, as an interesting aside, wants to create a new state crime of “eco-terrorism.”

Under that legislation, kicking out the window of a police cruiser and dedicated it to the Earth Liberation Front or Animal Liberation Front is “terrorism.” Doing it because you’re a raging drunk is apparently, well, just being a good ol’ boy politician.

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