Anything is the New Everything…

by Will Potter on February 23, 2008

in Terrorism Scare Mongering

Al Gore’s “Live Earth” is sending out emails with the tagline “Is green the new red?” (about sustainable Valentine’s Day gifts). [Thanks Drew!] And this month’s issue of Outside has an article, “Red is the New Green” about environmental issues in Cuba. This, on top of the Red Scare/Green Scare confusion I noted a while back (be advised, Patrick Swayze jokes are after the link). Clearly, you all have made so popular that Al, Outside and crew are trying to ride some coattails. Right? Right.

On a serious note, sorry for the lack of posts lately. I was out in WA for part of the Briana Waters trial and then came down with a really bad fever and have been out for the count. I hope to have some new stuff up this weekend, and more on Waters’ case.

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